Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hiring expected to surge in the next two months.

It's been such a long and slow process but according to a respected survey called LINE put out by SHRM, hiring is coming back! Here is the article:


I hope all is well with everyone. I am in the process of starting a consulting business. If this gets off the ground, I will specialize in companies with 100 employees or less who need the HR function formalized and managed, but they don't yet have the need for a full-time HR Director. I will also do project work for larger companies that need to maintain a certain HR function or manage a new initiative.

I am very excited about this possibility but I've got to get my first client! I did do my first new business presentation last week and will know if I got that business by early next week. Wish me luck! :-)

Additionally, we sold our house in Seattle which is a huge relief. It looks like the Oldershaw crew is back! Officially, and it feels good to be building again rather than doing damage control.

My husband has been freelancing steadily since last October. He is in advertising and that business really snakes (like the freeway traffic) in this industry. When business is down they really cut back, but when business is back, they are full speed ahead. I started in HR in this business so it is particularly challenging in this regard, and a little heart-breaking at times.

Also, there was a great article in the 2/15 edition of Newsweek by Jeffrey Pfeffer titled "Lay Off The Layoffs." In this article Jeffrey lays out the reasons why we need to treat layoffs as a last resort option. France has faired much better in this economic downturn because they held on to their workers. They can then still buy and this allows businesses to stay afloat through the tough times. There is also much less stress as compared to workers in the U.S. where layoffs are done routinely. Just something to think about. Personally, I think they wreak havoc on our nation along with the lack of health-care.

Here is the link to the above article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/233131

Take care, Sarah

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