Saturday, October 10, 2009


This is very exciting! I've started my blog. I've been thinking about doing this to write about my experience as a HR professional and how that mixes with our current times and my personal experiences.

There's so much to talk about that it's hard to know where to start. I've got about 10 minutes before I have to head off to Yoga, so I think it's only fitting to start off with the importance of wellness and balance in one's life.

I've been freelancing for the last year due to the lovely job market, and I've noticed how easy it is to get out of balance. In my first freelance job, I gained 20 pounds in 6 months because I did not have time to take care of myself.

Generally, when one is hired into a freelance situation, the "you know what" is hitting the fan. And that was certainly the case in this assignment. However, I learned a-lot and enjoyed the experience so that's a plus.

However, one of the main things I learned from this experience, is how important it is to "mind the house" so that your organization does not lose momentum. It's not worth it to hang tough and try to do everything when you have a number of key employees leave from a department. In this case, the HR department. The toll this takes on the department as well as the overall organization is not healthy.

In the year that I've been looking for a full-time position, I am amazed at all the changes I have seen in the job market. I went from June of 2008, when I was moving back to the Bay Area from Seattle and starting my job search, where I was getting a great deal of "call backs" on my resume. The market was hot!

Fast forward to Dec. of 2008, totally cold. January, still cold. February, still cold. March, okay, I'm really getting worried! April, phew!, I landed my next assignment through Linkedin (love Linkedin by the way). I leave it here for now. Got to get to Yoga! Remember, balance is important everyone! Have a great weekend. Hang in there... it will get better.

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